SBSE and TF-SPME-GC-MS for flavor analysis in wine and other alcoholic beverages
Aroma and flavor analysis in wine needs to face challenges with the low concentration of the analytes and the interference of alcohols in the sample. Solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME) and stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) allow for rapid extraction and concentration of volatile compounds from the matrix without tedious extraction and concentration to enrich the analytes. Furthermore, thin film SPME (TF-SPME) can further complement the extraction efficiency for some analytes important for the aroma. This presentation will discuss the practical consideration for solventless flavor extraction/analysis techniques such as SPME, SBSE, and TF-SPME and their applications in flavor analysis in wine and other alcoholic beverages.
Speaker: Michael Qian - Oregon State University
Dr. Michael C. Qian is a professor of flavor chemistry at Oregon State University. Professor Qian’s research at Oregon State University involves both basic understanding and practical application of flavor chemistry. Dr. Qian has co-edited 5 flavor chemistry-related books, and authored over 100 refereed journal articles. Dr. Qian has been actively promoting the field of flavor science, and organized many domestic and international flavor symposia and conferences. He has held various officer positions in the Agricultural and Food Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society, including the Chair position. Dr. Qian was an elected Fellow of the American Chemical Society. Dr. Qian received Distinguished Lipid and Flavor Science Award from the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and is also a recipient of the IFT, and the Excellence in Flavor Science Award from the Flavor Extract and Manufacturing Association (FEMA).
SBSE and TF-SPME-GC-MS for flavor analysis in wine and other alcoholic beverages
2023 Call for Invited Abstracts
Session Number: S18-03
Session Type: Symposium
Session Date: Monday 3/20/2023
Session Time: 1:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Room Number: 116
Track: Food Science & Agriculture
Category: Food Science/Agriculture, Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
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